Personal Blog Postings

A Question For My Readers

When I first started this blog nearly one year ago, I was hesitant to let everyone into my life as well as my heart. Considering how public my personal life has become, I can say that I am proud of the woman I have become. I may have lost quite a few people I once cared deeply about as well as a piece of who I once was, but looking back, I would not change a thing.

For those of you who have known me all of my life, for a few years, or just a few weeks – I want to clarify something for all. The choices I make in my own life are mine and mine alone. I ask that you please do not judge me by the choices I make in my own personal life. Like I mentioned before, I am proud of the woman that I have become. My life may not be anything close to “sunshine and rainbows” but I still wake up everyday ready to kick ass and continue pushing forward.

On the other hand, I want everyone to know that I am not as strong as I may seem. Throughout the past year, I have lost many people that I truly care about and have watched things I once dreamed about slip through my fingers. One thing I struggle with daily is to not let what people say effect me. I have become very good and just letting people say things along the line of “what a creep”, “I hope he gets what he deserves in prison”, “how does it feel knowing you’re sleeping with a child rapist”. If I had a penny for each time my boyfriend needed to reassure me and to ask me “why do you let ____ effect you?”, I would be rich. The answer to his question is that I guess I just feel everything too deeply. I so badly want to see the good in everyone, regardless of what my initial encounter with them has been. I care too much for people, strangers or friends. I do not want to cause anyone pain, feel the pain that I have felt, or to ever feel alone. So I guess that is why this whole thing is so infuriating. I try so damn hard to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and let them make their own choices. Which is why I am so confused as to why the judgement continues?

It’s easy to look at people and make quick judgements about them, their present and their past, but you’d be amazed at the pain and tears a single smiles hides. What a person shows to the world is only one tiny fact of the iceberg hidden from sight. And more often than not, it’s lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul. Never judge, learn to respect and acknowledge feelings of another.

In basic legal terms, ‘accused’ means you are charged with a crime. ‘Convicted’ means the court decides you are guilty.

False knowledge is worse than ignorance, especially when it’s used against someone. It’s best to have all the facts and know what you are talking about before you condemn someone for something you really know nothing about. Facts are never hearsay or what someone says or what you heard from a person. Facts are what you actually see or witness. You may think you know everything, but in all reality, you truly don’t.

So I guess what I am asking from all of my readers – please be mindful of what you’re saying, direct or indirectly. Whether is it to me or someone going through the same situation as me, republican vs. democrat, homosexual vs. heterosexual, or Caucasian vs. African American. This world does not have to be such an awful place for everyone.

Everyone has the choice to be whoever they want to be, why choose to spend the remainder of your time being the villain in someone else’s fairytale?