A Struggle is a Struggle, No Matter How Small..
Geri Halliwell once said, “There will always be a few people who just want to knock you down or are jealous or just want to be horrible for the sake of it. I don’t know what drives someone to be nasty.”
I would bet that Halliwell had encountered some life experiences similar to mine at some point throughout his lifetime. Jake recently told me about a book he had read by a man who was a quadruple amputee from being in the army. He explained the hardships he had to face and that no one should compare their stress and troubles to those of other people. Who is to say that your problems are any worse than the next guy?
This year has taught me to open my eyes and to not judge those struggling with their own battles. Each person deals with things differently. Some may be a complete wreck and fall apart while others may stand tall and act as if nothing has even happened. We are all the same. There is absolutely nothing in this world that gives people the right to make others feel inferior.
One message I hope others see from the hellish experience I have been through the past 314 days is that you are the master of your own fate. Only you can control how you react to everything in life. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes those reactions may be hard as hell to control but at the end of the day is it really worth all of your energy? Now this may be the pot calling the kettle black in my situation because for any of you who have chose to stay around, you know how hard it has been for me to remain steady with my emotions. However, I know the ultimate outcome of all of this bullshit.
Earlier this week, my oldest sister had asked if I would like her to attend my college graduation in a few months. When I reminded her of the things she chose to say and the feelings she has about me standing beside Jake through the hardest obstacle in his life, she decided to inform me that my mother does not want to attend because I had mentioned wanting to also invite my step-father who had recently divorced her. She continued on to tell me that “I hope Jake is back in jail before you graduate. You’ll never meet my daughter or bring your pedophile boyfriend around her.”
I am well aware that certain people choose to not understand my choices as to why I continue to stand beside Jake and fight this battle together. I am also aware that I can get through this without the negativity of my own family. Although it is heartbreaking to think I will never see my niece, I have grasped the fact that some people will NEVER understand what goes on in my life.
I just hope that one day, people will be able to see people for who they truly are instead of who people think that they are.