Personal Blog Postings

To the friend who continues to stick around

“True friends aren’t the ones who make your problems disappear. They are the ones who won’t disappear when you are facing your problems.”

When you came into my life, on the outside I was just your average 23 year-old working her way through college trying to graduate. The truth is, when you came into my life, on the inside I was a beyond heartbroken 23 year-old who was struggling to find her place in this messed up world.

When you came into my life, you were exactly what I needed without me knowing it. You became the strength I knew I had but the self reminder I was lacking. When I looked at you, I saw a part of myself and that sparked a fire in me that I was unable to ignite on my own.

When you came into my life, you became the baby sister that I always wanted but was never given. You reminded me to laugh at the joys of true friendship, to cry when my heart was hurting and to lean on those closest to me in times of struggle and absolute heartbreak.

When you came into my life, you were able to hold the pieces together that I could not do on my own. The sleepless nights where I just needed someone on the other end of the couch, you were there. The mornings where I needed someone to drag me out of bed, you were there. Whether it was on the days I could not face the real world or the nights I could not face an empty house, you were always there.

Throughout the past two and a half years, I have not exactly been the definition of a “best friend” and for that I am truly sorry. I needed someone to remind me of what a true friend does in order for me to find my place in all of this. The things I have gone through could not have been done without a friend like you. The moments we have spent together would not have taken place had none of this happened to me. Lately, I have been struggling quite a bit. I have been struggling to find the answers to the beyond average “why me” questions. Growing up, I was always reminded that everything happens for a reason and recently a friend of mine told me that God does not give us anything we cannot handle. I feel that God dealt me with this extremely shitty hand of cards in order for me to be reminded that I am stronger than I think. Had I not been put through all of this, I would not have found such a great friend in you.

You have become the strength I need to continue pushing myself to be the best version I can possibly be. You have become the drive I need to continue pushing myself in my career. You have become the baby sister I need to show through the obstacles of life and how to continuously come out on top, no matter how many times you get knocked down.

Life is short and if it were not for you, I would not have made it through the past few years. Especially the past two months. You are a blessing in disguise. God clearly had a plan for me when he dealt me this hand, he must have known that I needed someone like you.

When you came into my life, on the outside I was just your average 23 year-old working her way through college trying to graduate. The truth is, because of you, I am now a 25 year-old working her way to be someone greater.

When you came into my life, you were exactly what I needed without me knowing it. You became the strength I knew I had but the self reminder I was lacking. When I looked at you now, I see that same firing burning inside of you and I will forever be here to ignite that fire on the days you are lacking.

When you came into my life, you became the baby sister that I always wanted but was never given. You continue to remind me to laugh at the joys of our true friendship, to cry when my heart continues to hurt and to forever lean on those closest to me in times of struggle and ongoing heartbreak.

When you came into my life, you were able to hold the pieces together that I could not do on my own. The sleepless nights I still sometimes need a body on the other end of the couch, you are always there. The mornings (or late afternoons) where I need someone to drag me out of bed, you are always there. Whether it continues to be on the days I dread facing the real world or the nights I struggle to face an empty house alone, you are always there.

To the friend who continues to stick around –  I need you to know that although I have been an on again-off again friend the past few months, you have been the definition of a “best friend”. I know I can rely on and trust when it comes to not leaving me in times of need, no matter how terrible I may act. I may pretend I am okay and that I am not hurting. I may pretend I am not hungry and that I do not need you to come over to check on me. You are one I can always count on to unexpectedly let herself into my house regardless of what I may tell you. You are one I can always count on to bake me homemade cookies no matter how many times I may tell you I do not need them. You are one I can always count on to cook me a lasagna no matter how many times I tell you I may not need leftovers.

I will forever be grateful to have found a friend in you. I love you.